The Kamper Kogge, loyal visitor to Ostend at Anchor

The Kogge was the most important link in Europe's booming trade. These ships had a length of 15 to 30 metres and could carry relatively large cargoes across the sea over long distances. Hundreds of Koggen sailed the North and Baltic seas in the late Middle Ages. Ommandvaarders were the name of the skippers, who made the dangerous journey from the low countries under primitive conditions around Jutland to the Baltic countries.

The ship will be moored in the Mercator dock and open to the general public for free!

Kogge history: the Hanseatic League
The Hanze was initially an international alliance of merchants and later developed into a league of cities throughout northern Europe. The Hanze had its heyday between the 12th and 16th centuries. The powerful trading alliance created wealth during that period. Traces of this can still be seen in the Hanseatic cities of Bruges, Damme, Antwerp, Kampen, Hasselt, Zwolle, Hattem, Deventer, Zutphen and Doesburg.
