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Sint-Petrus- en -Paulusplein
- Info tent
- Dinkelstroom: freshly smoked salmon
- Bar and stage
- Venetian crafts
- School for ship modelling Baasrode and Modelbouw De Dissel Oostduinkerke
- National Geographical Institute
- Fishing folk group the Korre
- Model yacht club North Sea Ostend
- Model making society Bredene
- Ledoeufre - artist
- French pavilion
- Tourville Association
- Portrait Museum of Dunkirk
- VVV Office Dunkirk
- Maritime Heritage Hauts de France
- Fer Unique: blacksmith at work
- International Guild Of Knot Tyers - knot tyer
- Old Crafts Now - woodturning, basket weaving, spinning and pottery making
- Taranartos - ambrosial mead
Vindictivelaan - Food and Drinks
- Terrace with stage
- Bakery Nevens - traditional mattentaarten
- Herring smoker René
- Nord C Coffee Roasters - coffee
- Ko the Oysterman - Oysters
- Ostend Fishmongers - freshly baked fish
- Monkey Bar - cocktails
- Breyelham - Breyelham on a roll
- Jantje Vanille - ice cream
- Les filles du bord de mer - fish burgers
- Bubba - shrimp croquettes
Vindictivelaan - Artists and Crafts
- Photoclub Ter Streep
- Ledoeufre Art
- Redgy Van Troost - painter
- Sea Art - artist
- Jacques Tortelboom - artist
- J.F. Diné - writer
- Etienne Gonda - artist
- Nika Slembrouck - artist
- Rose Van de Wauter - artist
- Myriam Provoost - artist
- Bruno Alioux - artist
- Luc Smits - maritime books
- Nadia Declerq - wood engraving
- Eigenzinnige kleidraaisels - clay draperies
- Dominique Perotin - painter
Vindictivelaan - Sales and info stands
- De Lustige Kapoentjes - Comic book
- Weareble Art
- Mercy Ships Belgium
- The Blue Cross of the Coast
- Rotary Ostend
- Tourism Ostend
- Atlantikwall Raversyde
- Tahiti magic pearl - pearls
- Reborn Sails - designs from used sails
- Bernard Guillorel - children's toys
- Feel Free France - waterproof bags
- Stormbird - maritime shoes
- Visit Wallonia
- La marine de hier - maritime clothing
- Bernard Optic - binoculars
- Botala - maritime shoes
- Marine Ecology Centre
- Les joyeus Marins - maritime clothing
- Corderie Gautier - ship ropes
- The Blue Cross - animal shelter
- Watson 2
plein Mercator
- Blauw Innovatiedorp
- Blauwe Cluster
- Elia
- Jan De Nul
- Hogere Zeevaartschool / POM West-Vlaanderen
- KU Leuven
- Exail
- Colruyt
- UGent
- Universiteit Antwerpen
- Are You Waterproof - Project Olivia - agentschap MDK
- Rescue centre Wild Birds and Animals Ostend
- 't Hof Vanys - ice cream
- Madam Croquette
- Monkey Bar - cocktails
- Thalassa travels and cruises
Andere locaties
- Zeezien - sea trips for people with disabilities
- RelyOn Nutec
- Captain Blue
- Vistrap
- Sakazip
- Zeebonk - Gin
- Bernard Optic - binoculars